Fatima Children’s Daycare Centre

The Children’s Daycare Centre (crèche) was established in 1999 for children from Fatima and the surrounding areas.

Our Curriculum helps to ensure that each child’s holistic developmental needs are met and to achieve this staff must cover important learning areas, adopt common approaches with all children, and reach for a certain level of quality across age groups. Our curriculum sees play in an active learning environment as central to a child’s learning and development. Through the programme children are encouraged in language and cognitive development, and nurtured within as natural an environment as possible We are guided by: Aistear (The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework) and Siolta (The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education).

The service operates in a purpose built and state of the art daycare centre. The centre focuses on the total development of the child in partnership with the child’s family, in a nurturing child-centered environment. The service offers up to 87 preschool places.


Get in touch with our Daycare Centre (01)4549966