Empowering People & Communities since 1995

Supporting community wellbeing, children & families, education and employment.


Fatima Groups United Family Resource Centre is the representative body of residents and projects in Fatima/Herberton, Dublin 8. Established in 1995 Fatima Groups United has been the driving force behind the successful regeneration of Fatima that has seen the physical and social transformation of the old flats complex. The project operates from community development principles providing key services in the areas of health & wellbeing, education, employment, arts, childcare, counselling support, information & advice, family support and advocacy.

F2 Centre

A facility for the local and wider area. F2 uses both a Community and social enterprise model to drive economic development and create employment opportunities, to support and sustain social impact programmes for the Rialto and wider Dublin 8 community.

For room enquiries & bookings please fill in the boxes below.


“Walking in that door can be very hard. But the people really do make you feel very welcome.”

— Mary